
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Blog in trouble!!

I know you are wondering why there is this weird look of my blog, and I apologize for that!! In an effort to give a new look to the blog, I tried some customizations and new templates. I was not happy with how it looked and tried to change things - and viola - my blog is in a bad shape.

Now it is in a stage where I will take some time and hard work to set it right! And I reckon 1:30AM on a Wednesday night (Thursday morning to be precise) is not the best time to do it. So now you know what I am going to do this weekend .. obviously fix the problems with this page!! Time for a thorough review of the html code, possibly using Visual Studio, followed by repair.

Apologies again! Please come back next week for a better look!!


Maheshhhhh....!! said...

Weird look...? I didnt feel anything weird...!! Yeah, that google search is missing and adsense also seem to be missing..
What are you trying to do by the way...?

Varun said...

Dude .. there was a problem which I fixed yesterday .. so you dont see a big difference :)

I was trying to change the template and things got out of hand ..

But its fine now :) Need to re-organize the search n stuff ..